Welcome to Dream’s Journey…

All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.
William Shake-Speare

This blog is intended to act as record for the journey that I, the man, who chooses to go by the name at common law of Dream, has embarked upon. So what exactly IS this journey? Well, the documentation here marks the beginning of the separation from the legal fiction that was created upon my birth (known as a “person”) and I the man, divinely created and “of mind”.

I dare say at this juncture these words mean little or nothing to most readers, however they follow a series of discoveries about the nature of our ‘models of reality’. We can pick up the thread from my realisation that “Legalese” actually existed and wasn’t just a derisory epithet for precision distinction of word definition. By this, I mean that legalese is in fact a language of it’s own, and when we hear this language used on us we THINK we understand it because the words are similar enough to the English language to make some sort of sense to us. HOWEVER, it is now my understanding that the words used can be very deceptive, and these words carry with them concepts which gradually over time we are becoming less and less aware of.

Anyone who is familiar with the work of Jordan Maxwell and his research into Maritime Admiralty Law, the law of the sea, will have an inkling of what is going on. The wonderful Canadian gentleman Rob Menhard has done some sterling research I am grateful for, and was integral in pointing me in the direction I’m headed. Others like John Harris in England produced further fine fine work piecing together more parts of the jigsaw. His route is slightly different than the one I am taking, invoking lawful rebellion due to treasonous government in 1974 and has served appropriate notice on the Queen.

Here is the link to the Public Notice which will be appearing in this Friday’s edition of the Congleton Chronicle 3rd July 2009…
Dream’s Notice of Understanding and Intent

Following placing the Notice last Monday, I received a phone call from a gentleman at the Chronicle asking me if there was any particular reason I was changing my name. A long conversation followed where I attempted to explain as best I could the reasoning and purpose for this course of action. The results of this “anthropological experiment” will be posted here periodically.


This blog is intended to document the journey of I, the man, Dream, as I detach myself from the "person", the "legal fiction" created using my forenames and family name at birth.

Posted in Original Blog Posts
9 comments on “Welcome to Dream’s Journey…
  1. Earth says:

    WAY TO GO DREAM!!! * applauding*
    Blessings on your journey….will talk soon
    Earth xxx

  2. Dream says:

    Thanks for the comment Earthmom, gives me a chance to check if the gravatar is working 🙂

  3. Zhoutian says:

    What an [i]excellent[/i] production!
    10 / 10 for originality.
    I, too, will be coming back here to see how you’re getting on.
    (Has Mr. Daltrey been in contact with you yet…?) 🙂
    All the best.

  4. Tunedog says:

    That is the coolest thing I have seen this millenium. I too have pondered this conundrum since the crown has seen fit to actually CHANGE the first name I have gone by lo these last five decades!

    Due to a clerical error on my birth certificate where the baptismal name appears before my given and middle names, I can no longer so much as obtain a driver’s license in my proper name. The paper, it seems, takes precedence over the person, and there’s no way to fight it, save paying them to straighten out a mistake that I didn’t make in the first place.

    In reading and listening to your declaration, it dawns on me that I didn’t even really ask for the names I have, which are now out or order. How bizarre. While I am not going to do anything quite as radical as you have, I like your approach. However, I also like my name 🙂 I will likely knuckle under and just pay the political machine and straighten things out that way, because at my age, easy is good. But I wanted to take the time so say “hats off to you sir” …. rock on !!

    Sincerely (and in the proper order),
    Peter thomas Joseph Dawson
    a.k.a. Pedro Los Tunedog

  5. Milker says:

    Yep tunedog,dream is one cool guy.I didn’t understand the relevence either of capital letters and the four corner rule until recently.And when the fook did MR get forced upon on us?…When we take our first breath hmmm? Bugger.

  6. gr8 stuff Dream.. keep showing us the way!!…

  7. robson says:

    Must say that was 1 of the best presentations concerning freeman(ship), you put your case across very confidently and professionally- i on the other hand am a lot more benevolent ( eff off as i do not consent and refuse to contract – im a human being not a person !! ) Im done with being honorable with these weasels but do admire your stance – i think the end results are similar tho ……

  8. Geoff R says:

    Fantastic, here’s another one for you to ponder, ignorance of the law is no excuse…well how about this…have you been taught law at school(as a child while growing up),y/n, have you been sent law books through the mail by the government..y/n,when you have to answer to a court or other legal matter, you are told to seek legal advise, from a person who has spent several years at law school, who then goes on to specialise, then a large percentage of law is latin, have you been taught latin…only a fool defends himself….i agree with you…..Geoff

  9. Geoff R says:

    Afternoon Dream, hope you are well, can you tell me what you next plan on your journey, maybe explain how you went about your intent and understanding, how did it begin, looking forward to your blog

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